SAMANTHA SETO/PhotoGRAPHY STAFF The Press was founded by the first University president, Daniel Coit Gilman.
FILE PHOTO Last November, undergraduate students walked out of class to show support for undocumented immigrants.
SAMANTHA SETO/PHOTOGRAPHY STAFF April Ryan spoke about her experiences as a White House correspondent.
FILE PHOTO In April 2017, graduate students held a protest for healthcare reform.
CoURTESY OF LOUIS Hoffenborg Alumni donations are one factor used to determine a university’s ranking.
PUBLIC DOMAIN Sophomore Sudgie Ma uses tea to diet because it helps to keep her full.
AMAR KARODKAR/ CC BY-SA 4.0 Gawande explores how to think about death in his book Being Mortal.
FILE PHOTO Lyu argues that uncovering grades could have many consequences for freshmen.
PUBLIC DOMAIN The Museum of Industry exhibits the varying industries that shaped Baltimore.
COURTESY OF VERONICA REARDON Normal’s Books and Records offers a wide selection of quirky genres.
GAGE SKIDMORE/CC BY-SA 2.0 Bill Skarsgård plays the monstrous clown Pennywise in this adaptation of Stephen King’s famed 1986 novel.